Rubber roofing in Staffordshire - Caucasian Roofing Worker

Pros And Cons Of Rubber Roofing

The world of construction is always evolving to meet shifting consumer and sustainability demands, and one building material that’s gaining more traction in recent years is rubber roofing. 

Here we take a look at the pros and cons to help you decide if this type of roof is for you. 

The Pros Of Rubber Roofing

Rubber roofing is becoming an increasingly popular choice due to its range of long-term benefits. These include:


In many cases, rubber foods are much more cost-effective when comparing them to traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles or tiles. 

Rubber roofing provides excellent value for your investment, making it a particularly attractive roofing solution for property owners on a budget.

Safe As Houses

Safety is of paramount concern in any construction work, and your roof is certainly no different. That’s why rubber roofing is always a great choice as it ticks this box multiple times over!

Rubber roofs are made of ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), which is both fireproof and lightning-proof. It’s also resistant to wind and sun damage, so it’s more than ready to deal with whatever the British elements can throw at it!

Extremely Durable

As well as being resistant to harsh weather conditions, rubber roofing is also adept at handling moisture and extreme temperatures, making it extremely durable.

With proper maintenance, a rubber roof can easily last for several decades, delivering long-term protection for your property.


Sustainability is a hot topic right now, and if you’re looking for a roofing option that’s environmentally-friendly then a rubber roof is just that. 

As well as being made from recycled materials, EPDM roofs offer great insulation and hel;p reflect heat in summer, keeping energy consumption (and the cost of bills) down.

Ease Of Installation

One of the standout advantages of rubber roofing is how easy it is to install. The material is lightweight, making installation quicker and more straightforward than many other roofing options which means it’ll be completed in less time, causing minimal disruption.

Ease Of Repair

Likewise, if you have any maintenance or repairs that need addressing, Repairing rubber roofing is also quicker and less hassle as it can usually be fixed with patching or sealing rather than  a full replacement.

The Cons Of Rubber Roofing

Although rubber roofing offers a wealth of benefits, like all materials it does come with some minor drawbacks. So here are the main cons from come with a rubber roof:

Limited Design Options

While rubber roofing offers excellent functionality, it does come with limited design options. It typically presents a flat, uniform appearance, which may not appeal to those seeking a more intricate or varied roof design.

Installation Time

This comes with a caveat as the installation of rubber roofing is often quicker than other roofing types. However, if the roof has a complex layout then the installation process may take longer than expected.

Proper Installation Is Crucial
The effectiveness of your rubber roof all depends on the quality of installation. If the material isn’t installed correctly, it can lead to issues such as leakages and damage. So remember to always hire a reputable team if you’re looking for a company to install rubber roofing in Staffordshire.